2023 Research Posters
1. A Case of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein (MOG) Optic Neuritis
John Williams BS, Neha Gupta MD, and Joseph P. Gale MD
DOWNLOAD NOW4. Utilization of Indocyanine Green Angiography in a Case of Birdshot Chorioretinopathy
Dominique A. Alexis MS, Mahin Choudhury MD, Robert Swan MD
DOWNLOAD NOW5. Bisphosphonate Induced Orbital Inflammation
Adam Ross-Hirsch MD, Preethi S. Ganapathy MD, PhD
DOWNLOAD NOW6. Enhancing Poster Creation with AI: A Look into the Future of Medical Conferences
Zachary Poole MD, ChatGPT, Robert Fechtner MD
DOWNLOAD NOW7. A Case of Idiopathic Sclerochoroidal Calcification
Maria Krisch BS, Jordan Ueberroth MD, Arlene Ratanasit MD, Lev Grunstein MD
DOWNLOAD NOW8. A Case of Adult Malarial Retinopathy
Matthew Cheung, Jordan Ueberroth MD, Patrick Oellers MD
DOWNLOAD NOW9. Spontaneous globe rupture from an intraocular melanotic schwannoma
Hannah Yoo BA, Jordan Ueberroth MD, Khushali Shah MD, Codrin Iacob MD, Bryant Carruth MD
DOWNLOAD NOW10. Metastatic melanoma to the orbit with dedifferentiation
Areeb Khan BS, Jake Dertinger BS, Katharine Liegel MD, Harkaran Rana DO
DOWNLOAD NOW11. Multimodal Imaging of Fellow Eye Involvement in Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy
Bradley Ashcroft MD, Luis Mejico MD, Robert Swan MD
DOWNLOAD NOW12. A Case of Ocular Syphilis
Robert Contento BS, Adam Ross-Hirsch, MD Mark Breazzano MD
DOWNLOAD NOW13. Ophthalmologic Manifestations ofPheochromocytoma in a 9-year-old Patient
Gwendolyn Schultz MD and Katharine Liegel MD
DOWNLOAD NOW14. Point of No Return: To Remove a Seeing Eye
Cory A Christensen DO MPH and Katharine Liegel, MD
DOWNLOAD NOW15. Retrospective chart review to evaluate a novel botulinum toxin injection pattern for treatment of blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm
Collin J. Anderson MD MS, Robert Contento BS, George Salloum MD, Bryant P. Carruth MD, Robert H. Hill III MD, Thomas A. Bersani MD
DOWNLOAD NOW16. A Case of Sarcoid Uveitis Diagnosed With Mammography
Madison Riccardi BS, Cory Christensen DO, Rebecca Swan MD, Robert Swan MD
DOWNLOAD NOW17. Sweet syndrome with ophthalmologic complications
David Carli DO; Robert Weisenthal MD
DOWNLOAD NOW18. Use of Tacrolimus in the Treatment of Recalcitrant Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis
Mahin Choudhury MD, Robert Swan MD
DOWNLOAD NOW19. Vogt-Koyonagi-Harada-like Disease Induced by Hepatitis C Treatment - Twice
Isaac Kim MD and Robert Swan MD
DOWNLOAD NOW20. Spontaneous hyphema from a dislodged iris pigment epithelium (IPE) cyst
Jordan Ueberroth MD, Arlene Ratanasit MD, Lev Grunstein MD